non stop thought writing process.
i miss dimebag darrell. i had a dream that dimebag darrell told me not to give up what i shouldn't give up. I cried in my dream coz i heard dimebag darrell was dead. I like to not think about it. Dimebag's death that is. i still remember that december and my brother calling me.
"somebody shot dimebag."
I was so sad. It was worse than when ayrton senna died. You don't know waht to think of it, coz it's not like i knew either of them personally. My life won't change. there won't be a void. but still... I was a kid when ayrton senna died. i remember one of the first creative things of my life i was damn proud of. Writing a 'high school' version of as you like it or the twelfth night. I have the picture in my head crystal. i sat with my feet ont he chair as i read the newspaper. Ayrton senna had died and nothing anyone can do about it. Many many years later dimebag died too. It didn;t affect me when mother teresa died or diana died or other similar popular people who everyone lieks to be sad about died. But it still feels bad that dimebag died.
i speak to / Read so many "Music guru's". People are romanticising and over-philosophising regular music or trying very hard to say/write very insightful things about the totally unknown singer fron scandanavia. nobody seems to pay any attention to Metal or Glam or similar such Lyrically superficial(glam) or non brain taxing (in some ways) genre's. Why is no one writing about Whitesnake or Sepultura or even Metallica. It's even as if people are shy to say they like Gn'r and Def leppard.
i Always have such fond memories of the first time i heard a few albums. Like Iron maiden's No Prayer for the dying and Obituary's Cause of death or Sepultura's Bestial Devastation or Metallica's Black album or REM's Monster. It's again crystal clear. It's a very flashback day for me. A very cute girlfriend of mine had gifted me a copy of sepultura's bestial devastation on side and morbid visions on side B. she had written adorable liner notes inside and i treasured it. I can still where i have it stored in my parent's house. i wonder where that girl is ? She had long flowing hair.
I spend a summer trying to work out bon jovi's this ain't a love song and then i decided to learn the basics of guitarplaying first. I have that feeling again. Like i don't need anyone. I can just sit and play and play. and i don't want to figure out first wether this is a 'blues' jam from Gmaj7 with root D. At times i feel possessed. I am not even thinking conciously of where the finger's are going or what's the time signature. It just moves. Triplet of harmonics there moving to a legato and 10 seconds 3 seconds after that in the middle of a passgage a uarter of my brain pauses to reflect on the brilliance of the moment. and then i push myself some more... It's scary. People around me should hate me for this. Why should anyone be my love when in the middle of moonlit exchange of jaggery i might leave to play guitar. It's a black hole.
Pantera hits you like a hammer. As if a crane threw you onto a nailed and rusty sharp edged iron wall. When phil starts singing the demons and the wounds open. Or you wish you had been wronged and had wounds. It's not the release of anger. It's energy. I could punch a wall in the middle of mouth for war. Fuckin' A. Ok here's inevitable. If you are new to this shit and you really wanna get your ass whipped and transported to mojave here's the Top 5 thrash/heavy/death metal albums of all times.
5. Sepultura - Arise
4. Metallica - Master of Puppets
3. Obituary - Cause of death.
2. Megadeth - Countdown To extinction
1. Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Through swollen eyes, I dreamed you died...DIMEBAG FORVER !

"somebody shot dimebag."
I was so sad. It was worse than when ayrton senna died. You don't know waht to think of it, coz it's not like i knew either of them personally. My life won't change. there won't be a void. but still... I was a kid when ayrton senna died. i remember one of the first creative things of my life i was damn proud of. Writing a 'high school' version of as you like it or the twelfth night. I have the picture in my head crystal. i sat with my feet ont he chair as i read the newspaper. Ayrton senna had died and nothing anyone can do about it. Many many years later dimebag died too. It didn;t affect me when mother teresa died or diana died or other similar popular people who everyone lieks to be sad about died. But it still feels bad that dimebag died.
i speak to / Read so many "Music guru's". People are romanticising and over-philosophising regular music or trying very hard to say/write very insightful things about the totally unknown singer fron scandanavia. nobody seems to pay any attention to Metal or Glam or similar such Lyrically superficial(glam) or non brain taxing (in some ways) genre's. Why is no one writing about Whitesnake or Sepultura or even Metallica. It's even as if people are shy to say they like Gn'r and Def leppard.
i Always have such fond memories of the first time i heard a few albums. Like Iron maiden's No Prayer for the dying and Obituary's Cause of death or Sepultura's Bestial Devastation or Metallica's Black album or REM's Monster. It's again crystal clear. It's a very flashback day for me. A very cute girlfriend of mine had gifted me a copy of sepultura's bestial devastation on side and morbid visions on side B. she had written adorable liner notes inside and i treasured it. I can still where i have it stored in my parent's house. i wonder where that girl is ? She had long flowing hair.
I spend a summer trying to work out bon jovi's this ain't a love song and then i decided to learn the basics of guitarplaying first. I have that feeling again. Like i don't need anyone. I can just sit and play and play. and i don't want to figure out first wether this is a 'blues' jam from Gmaj7 with root D. At times i feel possessed. I am not even thinking conciously of where the finger's are going or what's the time signature. It just moves. Triplet of harmonics there moving to a legato and 10 seconds 3 seconds after that in the middle of a passgage a uarter of my brain pauses to reflect on the brilliance of the moment. and then i push myself some more... It's scary. People around me should hate me for this. Why should anyone be my love when in the middle of moonlit exchange of jaggery i might leave to play guitar. It's a black hole.
Pantera hits you like a hammer. As if a crane threw you onto a nailed and rusty sharp edged iron wall. When phil starts singing the demons and the wounds open. Or you wish you had been wronged and had wounds. It's not the release of anger. It's energy. I could punch a wall in the middle of mouth for war. Fuckin' A. Ok here's inevitable. If you are new to this shit and you really wanna get your ass whipped and transported to mojave here's the Top 5 thrash/heavy/death metal albums of all times.
5. Sepultura - Arise
4. Metallica - Master of Puppets
3. Obituary - Cause of death.
2. Megadeth - Countdown To extinction
1. Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Through swollen eyes, I dreamed you died...DIMEBAG FORVER !

I miss him too brother.
There is a person I know who stopped strumming his guitar after listening to the news.
thats in the wrong spirit !! very wrong !
i know it is. but this was when we were like pretty young and you know what happens at that time - we do half the things without knowing. he now plays really well. but not as a part of any group.
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