Friday, June 29, 2007

to end this for once and for all ..

A lot of these days i run into women who are proud self proclaimed feminists. Feminism is as useless/negative/pointless a term as male chauvenist pig. Feminism is a figment of extremely ambitious imagination of some marketing wizards. Most women keep saying how they are :- equal to men (then why is there an NBA and a WNBA ?) as good as men ( so men stil remain the benchmark ? why ?) for me "feminism" would ideally be a mix of freedom and enabling. But what most women think is that feminism is some gateway to a secret society where we bash men and root for "girl power". girl power ?? are you kidding me. Girl power is nothing but just another way to sell stuff to stupid girls. Do you really expect a group of women to fight for feminism or demonstrate girl power ?? women, creatures who have no sense of cameradrie (bar a few). Before an hour is through they'd be bitching, and cat fighting, and gossiping and fighting for control or at best they'd put up a good show and later they will bitch fight and gossip in private. You really think that these people can stand for feminism or girl power. My ass. So the point is that women aren't better than men, women are as good as men in certain respects, yes !. So shut the fuck up with the whole feminism issue.

Does this mean that men are superior. No.
Men have their own problems. Fragile ego's. Immaturity etc etc. But at least they don't go around propaganding on some stupid issue. Look at it logically, Doesn't it make sense. Where women keep riligiously proclaiming about female superiority, most men i find are just making silly jokes about male superiority over a beer. Now i also want to say that issues like better treament of muslim women/ women in third world countries is a diffrent issue all together. That's not feminism. that's humanism. So all these superficial women proclaiming that they demand better treatment of muslim women are chuts. I would want better treatment of all humans in not so favourable conditions. Wouldn't you ? wat the fuck is so feminism-ist about it ? bottomline is that men are better in certain ways. We lift heavy things, we manage stupid feats to win over girls and we can drink more alchohol and oh yeah pee standing up. Women have their own specialities. they can have multiple orgasms, they are smarter when it comes to relationships, they live longer and have babies. i believe that as long as classifying and hue and cry about issues like Feminism (chut-ism) and Male chauvenism (proud insecurity) Exists, we can't have harmony. Really do you really need pride and debates about superiority in a relationship ?? think about this. If you think that i am bashing women, then screw you. If you are a "feminist", go die ! if you are a "male chavenist pig", Stop grinning you are no better off.

P.s. the fact that if this was written using big "philosophical" words instead of the street language this would make oh so much sense to the psuedo intellects, amuses me to no end.


Bone said...

haha. it amuses me, i don't care. if you wrote in "big philosophical words", i'd have bitchslapped you on your blog.

jairaj said...

Well, feminism, that's I guess when women just get bored of other things. Just like communism or assholism -- never stops.

LostLittleGirl said...

Hmmm. You are raging about NGO types getting money to scream aloud for Muslim rights. Don't confuse political touts with the idea of feminism.
I think the fact that it is something primarily engineered by 'women' is what irks people so much. Do you shout as much if you see someone being eve teased on the streets? Not your girlfriend..any ramdom woman?
Now you don't do that, but what the hell is so wrong with some women demanding the right to have equal physical security as men? It doesn't make people like you the supposed benchmark to deveolopment, rather it's a resigned acceptance of the existing power balance. Tilted towards people who wouldn't know what the fuss is all about. Because as long as we have babies and multiple orgasms, the world is rosy enough and it just sucks to complain.

SIM said...

@ inexile and jerry
feminazism anyone? old concept, new packing...all in the words.

InExile said...

oliver, awww how bruce willis of you !

Jerry, you didnt get the idea of the post at all !!

LL-G,read your comment again , read my post again , read your comment again ...

serendipity,concepts and packaging .... what about belief's and models ?

to all , to those who don;t get this post re read it again !! its's not really tough to understand onccne you look past the vinegar dripped acidic pissed-offness it's written in !

Love inexile !

Ms. 868 said...

Chauvinism and feminism are equal evils - it's trading one elitist fucked up attitude for another; hypocritical bullshit from both sides

moonstruck maniac said...

feminazism could be a nice concept. it could also incorporate elements of BDSM and then portray it as the 'cool ' thing.

InExile said...

neetu, have u ever seen the rain ?

Moony, ha ha funny in a way !