Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Inexile in the sky with Morons !

a month or so i was at the airport around 3 am it was ! as is the ritual You check in the baggage take the boarding pass and SIT ! so there i am SITTING and listening to "Calling DR.Love" and i start to notice a pattern. Most of these chicks say around 20-28 zone are all absolutely dressed up. I am talking cowboy boots, lip gloss little little details perfected dressed up. err. It;s Fucking 3 AM in the morning. How do they do it ? i can Barely remember to scratch my balls when i woke up and thye accomplish this ? DAMN. ok so i am sitting around looking around and i see this chick to the left of me ! white girl blonde hair !NO NO i won;t sterotype her ! but she;s carrying this HUGE white fluffy pillow ! you are flying and you carry a fucking Pillow ! you know airlines do give these out on request so why the fuck are you carrying it bitch ? well i was too groumpy at 3 am obviously. But wait, maybe she was just smuggling shitloads of coke !

so hours later i am going through security check ! this chick goes ahead of me and no problem ! but they make me Put through a fucking ipod TWICE ! fuck you coppers ! So anyways i don;t know what's with the window seat. So the middle seat guy next to my window sat has conveniently taken up my seat ! You know someone's coming why they fuck are you in my seat ? I don;t want your arse warming ! and he makes feeble attempts to hijack my seat. As i recall his exact words were "I am in the middle seat".

Maybe it's just me but i have to watch the airhostesses do their whole security thingy. I can;t stop laughing everytime ! They look so fucking disinterested and i have noticed suddenly they become from servers to Models. The pout and the serious face and the total "i am in the spotlight but i am trying not to give a fuck" look. so this waitress seems supercute and i am like "wow finally". Anyhow i am off to sleep. hours later i am up and turns out yay the plane is landing. So while walking out i see the same airhostess and DARN she sucks ass ! so i tell her "you looked wya more cuter from the 17th row. and guess what - She takes it as a Fucking Compliment. But whatever said and done credit must be given to the airhostess people. they put with an awful lot of shit. But not as much sit as i have to put through every time i am at baggage claim ! my Bag has a Fragile Sticker on it ! when it arrives it's upside down ! Motherfucker it's FRAGILE ! i am abusing left and right ! i saw this mom tobe look at me with a horrendous face ! maybe it made her think twice about getting a new child into this world ! laugh worthy !

Flight would be way more fun if only they would let me Aisle Surf !


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Crimson Feet said...

dude... am done reading all posts. this has been a satisfying reading experience and i am thirsting for more! :) ..this was another hilarious gem that seem to have gone unnoticed.. (that was fuckin laugh worthy)

i wonder where your regular followers are!!