Thursday, April 05, 2007

the revenge on the act-holes...

In my experience i find most actors to be big cunts. the bigger they get the higher their cuntness and i absolutely hate it when they come over to the studio for over dubs. Not only do they fiddle with every little thing. all of them will always do some impression of some singer as soon as u hand them a mic. Pissing annoying i tell you. So to avoid everyone in the studio wanting to kill 'em , i make em sit next to me and chat up and find opportunities to be mean to them. So the other day i am sitting with 3 of the hunky,meaty apparently popular actors and they are talking about sex. the three bozo's are discussing how neither of them would ever go down on a woman. the clit doesn't exist for them. the common thought is that it's considered lowly and no self respecting man should ever go down lickin'. That's when sweet singer i know walks in and of course the three bozo's start hitting on her. It's one of those situations where these fucks will talk to me but actually all their talk will be for her and meant to impress her.

Me: so guys, let me ask you a very intelligent question. who do you think is more hot, hugh grant or hugh jackman ?

bozo 1 : dude we are not gay ! maybe you should ask her this (Grin)

Me: Of course you aren't gay, but we are all mature people and just because i ask your opinion on guys it doesn't mean you are gay. I mean i like a lot of male actors and that doesn't make me go want to suck their balls and fuck them in the ass. Geez man grow up.

Bozo 1: Oh yes of course. hmm.. i think jackman is more hot, he was so cool in X-men yada yada yada

Bozo 2 and bozo 3: yes yes yeah yeah !!

Me: so say you were a chick, who would you rather do , hugh jackman or george clooney.

Bozo 1: i mean i am definitely not gay but say i was a chick, i would totally do clooney, i mean jackman is good looking but he's got no face

Bozo 2: yeah and clooney has class and style and men with style are so cool yada yada yada.. (5 minute speech).. so who would you do ?

Me: Ewww yuck Nobody, i am not gay...... and you guys are such gay motherfuckers (pointing at them and laughing)!!

I have no idea why i just posted this. I need to go out do something fun. Inexile hates bollywood.

1 comment:

Crimson Feet said...

(me still goin on)

surprised no comments on this one... so just fillin the gap ;)