Tuesday, March 20, 2007

God is a ....

TV show writer.. definately . In fact god is a tv show writer who constantly sends new scripts for off air shows to TV heads in the hope of getting the shows to run again. But i am certainly sure god was one of the writer's on atrocious things like friends etc. How i know this ? coz he's writing this ridicoulously ridicoulous scripts full of unfunny practical jokes for my now-a-days !! Now 2007 is the year of NO sex. Yes some of you know this already, some of you have bet the GDP of lagos against it, and some of you just laugh it off . But the fact that y'all do such things makes my determination stronger. The reason ? well too many too write. Now what makes the determination un-strong are things, like the things that have been happening to me in the past few weeks.

Like meeting bisexual women. In the last 2 weeks i have met 3 self confessing bisexual women. Ok so one of them was bi-curious so to say. What does inexile do ? you can't have asexal relationships with sexual women. At the same time i would be shamed to look in the mirror if i broke my rules. Oh did i mention that one of those girls is a singer and the other one a tango dancer. They listen to good music. They dress up nicely, they smile cutely, they like moi long hair and they even drink beer !!! sigh !!

should i/ shouldnt i ? would i / wouldn't i ?
so is extreme making out considered sex ?


Anonymous said...

hehehahhahaah.... not even 3 months down & I'm already winning ze bet.... hehehahahhahha... like there was ever any doubt anyway!!

jairaj said...

Nicely said, God's truly one. I bet the ole' existentialists would've loved to hear this one with their drinks. But tch tch tch, with you dichotomy, dear brother, go for it!

InExile said...

melody, u ain't winnin nothing anytime soon baby ! ;)

jerry, well the evil that men do ... oh wait that line don;t fit here ! :P